
For public transportation and transit, a time of unprecedented challenges and new possibilities.

American and international transportation markets sit at an extraordinary point in history, one in which our post-pandemic future intersects with new autonomous technologies, the growth of ride-sharing companies, unpredictable shifts in transportation demand and input prices, and constrained public budgets. For policymakers and executives, long-term planning must factor variables that were scarcely understood a short time ago.

These times place immeasurable burdens on leaders of public transportation. Failure to anticipate future challenges invites catastrophic interruptions to supply chains and a reversal of economic progress. If public transit providers cannot bring back riders that can find convenient service from ride-sharing companies and other new forms of transportation, the entire business model of transit could collapse.

Ensuring the long-term sustainability and growth of public transportation and transit requires precise, adaptive, and forward-looking planning. State and local departments of transportation undertaking large capital programs require a detailed understanding of how a new road, highway, or intersection will impact the local area and traffic after the project is completed.  Local public transit agencies modernizing fare collection and information technology systems need to understand how novel technologies impact customer service, and what the best product (and process for identifying that product) exists in the market.

Intueor offers forward-looking counsel informed by decades of experience. Our work is guided by tools that process raw data to replicate conditions, providing clients with evaluations of land use and forecasts of future demand based on proven conceptual models. Intueor can identify mitigation measures to minimize a project’s operational and environmental impacts. We also provide specifications of materials and funding estimates required to complete the project.

Sectors & Industries

Governments, public transit, and infrastructure managers must produce solutions equal to the challenges presented in these times. Here's how Intueor is driving transformative change: